The Fun Continues...
"Stop asking me about my abdication!! You're annoying me."
"In just 5 years, this country will be re-named "SHINLAND.""
"Oops, my Satanic side is showing..."
"Sorry, sweetie, we can't hold hands. This is not the Hong Kong Sheraton. We can't make it so obvious. People might notice..."
"Wait, wait, wait. Before you ladies ask any questions, let me give each of you a breast exam."
"This Clinton Campaign was my inspiration!!"
"YOU TWO J_RKS get your dirty hands off MINE!!!"
"(sniff...sniff) Do you realize how much that cost me?? You get the publicity; I get the receipt."
"It's show time!!"
"Yuck! You old witch..."
"In 5 years, I'll be your queen, and I'll wave to you like this."
"Sir, I worship you. Even your armpit smells nice!"
"You stink!! You got your pathetic picture taken; now MOVE ON!"
"Come on, hon', let's try another hospital. This one overquotes for this tiny tiny wound on your chest. Can you still walk?"
"It's nice to meet you for this official photo op, sir. You are my role model."
"Glad doing business with you. Don't forget to deposit the rest in my account."
"Mom, I hear "Clunk, Clunk." Something got loose??"
"Don't execute me yet. My son hasn't been named "the Prince of Thieves.""
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